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Texting Tom 'Dewy' Dewar

Dewy. The only.

Dewy, what up it’s Jake! How have you been my dog?

Yooo, I’ve been so good honestly everything going my way it feels and it’s a good feeling!

Hbu x

Yeah rad, that’s good to hear man! I’m doing good, getting pretty keen to ride again.

So you went to Austria this summer, did you eat heaps of Weiner Schnitzel?

Coupla schnitzels for sure, heap of good breads tho

Who did you go with?

Brock the young buck, my homie from back home Shav behind the lens and Gus came for a hot min, we also met a new homie Noah on the lift who ended up spending the next month with us haha

Brock - Shav

A solid crew! Brock and Gus are some young heavys. Who had the biggest culture shock?

Shav and I trying to order coffee 100% Haha

Absolut park looks pretty off its head..

Was all time, I can see why it has such a cult following! I’ll definitely be back

Young buck Brock wearing brown, boardsliding a bataleon..

Gus. Nice wit it

And how did the leg hold up after surgery?

It held up but it was pissed off haha 

Shiiiit, how many screws did you get in that bad boy again?

2 in my ankle 3 in my knee

Dewy strengthening the knee

Yuck aha So do you have any highlights from the trip? 

Iceland, I didn’t get to snowboard there but definitely got to scope it for something I’d love to cook up in the future!

Send us a pic of what you’re up to now

Like right now?

Rn bby


Sitting passenger princess talking to you x

What’s something you didn’t know about Austria but do now?

Probs can’t use this but I always thought Hitler was German but In fact he is from Austria 


Well you learn something new every day! Definitely using it.

Gigi Rüf or Clemens Millauer?

Gigi Rüf for sure

Worst sleep in Austria?

Definitely the first week in Austria id wake up at 2 am and snack so hard. Sorry lads

Haha why you snackin?

I must of dreamt about food again

Probs thinking about food on this turn

You and the crew are putting out a video from the trip right? When’s that dropping?

No plans to make a video part, we unfortunately didn’t have the time to film in Norway for very long before the boys went back home, would love to go back for next year with some time to get more clips and make something I’m really proud of instead of making and edit for the sake of making one you know

Yeah good idea! It’s nice to hear that mentality, considering this day and age of snowboarding on the internet.  Where else did you travel to?

Andorra was the hidden gem of the trip I got to spend a few solo days also just checking it out, met the boys at @bangingbees for one of their events and that place is 10/10. Innsbruck definitely had the best community vibe shout out Mr Skin for letting me crash on his couch.

Did the crew indulge in Amsterdam’s delicacy’s? 

I’m not telling

That’s a yes haha 

Shav and I had a good time to celebrate the trip for sure 

Could be the start or end of 'The Hangover'

I’m about to surf, so I’ll punch out a few more.. hahah

Keep ‘em coming

Did you learn any Euro cuss’s? 

Cancer thanks to Noah. But it was more fun teaching aussie slang to the boys over there 

Where are you riding this winter? 

Peri will definitely be the base but boy do I want to ride Thredbo when I get the chance!

I’ll be seeing you real homie! Sorry I’m going to get wet hahahaha. Talk soon xx

Yoo thanks for the chat, I’m thank keen to go for a paddle with you when I’m down ur way 🫶

This would be a fun follow cam

*hours later

Sorry to cut that short. The waves were cookin 👌👌

AHHAHA the most valid reason 

Anyway, where were we..? Ah yeah so you’re back down under now, do you have some things in motion for this year? 

Definitely got motion, as always I want to be on the board as as I can. Last winter definitely was a throw away so I want to make up for it this year. I’m working on some things, social media management for a few companies. My helmet decals (dewcals) and a few pipe dreams haha 

Big corporate guy over here! I wanted to ask you about the ‘Dewcals’ actually, tell me more! When are we getting some laced dewcals?

Dewcals is something I’d been thinking about since last season. I rate the homies like Joshua Lebrun and Txema whose helmets stand out so much among the crowd or in a competition, so I wanted to make it available to the groms and everyone who wears a helmet or wants a huge spider web on their board!

Let’s get a collaboration happening, i know i sent you an idea but I’d like to see what you come up with!

I’m down with the laces idea!

And I’m guess you started thinking about this more because you recently started wearing a helmet..?

Yeah after the whole tree incident without a helmet on I’ve pretty much made it a personal rule to wear it, not just for me but also my family. Small sacrifice I’d say.

Most definitely man. Ain’t nothing wrong with being safe! 

Back to the trip, did you guys have some backing to go over there?

For sure, I want to say a massive thank you to Blak headwear, Salomon and Dragon Alliance, these brands really stepped up not only sticking with me after a year off the board but helping out to go and do what we love to do in new places! 

Well I think that’s all I’ve got for you g. Do you want to talk about or mention anything? 

Yeah definitely want to shout out everyone we met along the way, especially the Bataleon crew for the hospitality in Austria, family vibes for sure! 

See you for some laps soon. Big love!

All the love 🫶 thanks for keeping print alive

Dreamin of Dragons

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